Many of you have been tuning in to the NFL playoffs ahead of the Super Bowl next month. And...
2022 handed out a lot of valuable lessons. It reminded investors that the trade-off for owning the world’s highest-returning asset...
In my last few columns, I focused on the ways our emotions can interfere with managing our money and investing...
It’s never too early to evaluate and adjust your outlook for the future. That’s particularly true if you’re an investor,...
Look back through history and start whenever you choose. You’ll find the rolling returns for different asset classes are remarkably consistent. And...
On the morning of April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. slept late. That afternoon he joked with his companions,...
On January 1, The New York Times included a special foldout section called “The Year in Pictures 2022.” There were photos of...
One of the most harmful mindsets you can have is to think of yourself as a victim. This way of...
Like many things in this world, the stock market gets weirder the more closely you observe it. One odd phenomenon...
When most people think about trading… they think it’s way too complicated. But I’m here to tell you… if...
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